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Online sessions on Entrepreneurial Mindset and Crisis Management

Wed, May 27


Zoom webinars

Students and startup representatives are warmly invited to join the online sessions delivered by project POWER incubators on May 27 - 28th and June 3rd.

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Online sessions on Entrepreneurial Mindset and Crisis Management
Online sessions on Entrepreneurial Mindset and Crisis Management

Time & Location

May 27, 2020, 12:00 PM

Zoom webinars

About the event

Students and startup representatives are warmly invited to join the online sessions delivered by project POWER incubators on May 27 - 28th and June 3rd.

May 27th, 2020

12.00 -13.00 (CET): 21st century skills: crisis management (New Factory, Finland)

Success in the current day workplace requires more than just academic excellence. 21st century skills comprise abilities and learning dispositions to keep up with the lightning pace of today's modern markets.

In this session, Raúl will show how these soft skills can be linked to the foundations for successfully working at a startup, which at the same time can give you the necessary tools when dealing with extreme uncertainty in crisis situations.

Raúl Berlanga is a Project Manager at New Factory currently undertaking coordination and coaching tasks at Y-kampus as well as being involved in several European funded projects. He has experience in the automobile industry, innovation development and the startup scene.

Link to session:

13.30-15.00 (CET): Problem solving in times of crisis (Tetuan Valley, Spain)

The actual crisis is not leaving anyone indifferent, especially not companies and startups. Ina time of change, so should our methodologies and business models.

So, what are the new problems and paradigms of post Covid-19 times? How should we face this time of crisis? And what are startups doing to overcome this situation?

The session will be delivered by Sergio J. Ramos who is a Program Manager & Community Builder at Tetuan Valley.

Link to session:

May 28th, 2020

13.30-15.00 (CET): Crisis – Startup Business as Usual (New Factory, Finland)

At Startup, you experience moments of excitement and glory - and despair. There are alwaysproblems. Sometimes it’s chaos, sometimes it’s just business development in extremely uncertain circumstances.

To survive, you need to be focused, determined and goal-oriented. You need to be brutally honest when exploring your customers’ needs and the true value of your product. The abilityto move forward and solve problems is crucial.

Covid-19 has posed enormous challenges to companies and societies around the world. Could lessons learned from startups be used to overcome and withstand the challenges of the pandemic?

Mr. Ilmo Lounasmaa is COO & Co-owner at POINTR by Delta Cygni Labs and a seasoned entrepreneur, angel investor, advisor and board member. In this online session he is going toshare his experience-based views on entrepreneurship, startups and critical problems.

In addition, he presents as a case study how his current startup reacted to the outbreak of Covid-19 in an attempt to turn the crisis into an opportunity.

Link to session:

15.30- 16.30 (CET): Is it the right time to be an entrepreneur? (Tetuan Valley, Spain)

Some of the most successful startups have been founded in crisis periods, such as Airbnb. So, is it a good time to be an entrepreneur nowadays? In a time when everything is changing, there might be opportunities for the ones that have the right mindset.

Speaker - Veronica Arroyo from Moveco.

Link to session:

June 3rd, 2020

10.30-12.30 (CET): The start-up roadmap: from idea to launch (I and II) (Alexander Innovation Zone, Greece)

In the first part of the session, we will look at the different stages of the startup journey, starting from defining a business idea, discovering a viable business model and launching a scalable business.

The second part of the session will be devoted to exploring the major challenges of startup journey and will present tools to help founders overcome these challenges through proper business modelling, assumption mapping, experiment design and customer validation.


Dimitrios Kourtesis (Computer Science, Program Manager at OK!Thess)

Nikolaos Tsoniotis (Electrical Engineer, Startup Coach at OK!Thess)

Stefanos Tsiakmakis (Mechanical Engineer, Co-Founder at BIO2CHP PC, Startup Coach at OK!Thess)

Access to the sessions:

Meeting ID: 822 3237 9168

Password: 698208

Register to the online sessions here.

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This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission. The website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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